AI Model Engineer ChatGPT Cheat Sheet


Automating Code Review

ChatGPT can aid in code review by checking syntax, commenting on code efficiency and suggesting improvements.


Check this code snippet: '


'. Are there any syntax errors or improvements that can be made?
Can this piece of code be optimized: '


What are some good practices for writing code like '



Helping in Debugging

ChatGPT can serve as an AI partner in debugging code snippets.


Why is this piece of code '


' returning an error?
How can I fix the issue in this ML code: '


What potential problems could arise from this code segment: '



Ideation on Model Architecture

ChatGPT can help propose novel solutions to AI model architecture problems, or explain various approaches to designing AI systems.


What is an effective architecture for a


Could you explain the advantages and disadvantages of using


for my project on


What improvements would you suggest for this architecture: '



AI Ethics Consultation

ChatGPT can provide information on ethical standards and best practices in AI applications and data management.


What are some ethical considerations when using


Explain the ethical implications of using large-scale AI models.
Can you outline the legal and ethical ramifications of AI-powered surveillance?

Explaining Model Concepts

ChatGPT can be utilized to clarify complex machine learning concepts.


What is the concept behind


How does a


Explain the difference between




in machine learning.

Training Collaborative AI

ChatGPT can guide users through the process of training collaborative AI, from selecting data to fine-tuning models.


How do I fine-tune


for specific tasks?
What are good practices in collecting data to train a model for the


What are the important steps in training a collaborative AI model?
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