Educational Resource Creator ChatGPT Cheat Sheet


Curriculum Creation

ChatGPT can help in generating curriculum guidelines and outlines for specific subjects or grades.


Generate an outline for a 6th grade English curriculum.
What can be the main objectives of a 7th grade Science curriculum?

Student Interaction

ChatGPT can interact with students, answering questions or explaining complex topics in simplified language.


Explain photosynthesis in layman's term.
What's the simplest explanation for the Pythagorean theorem?

Lesson Planning

ChatGPT can aids in creating concise and effective lesson plans for different subjects.


Create a lesson plan for teaching photosynthesis to 5th graders.
How can I structure a lesson on World War II for 8th-grade students?

Educational Content Writing

ChatGPT can assist in writing educational articles or papers on a variety of topics.


Write an article about the importance of clean energy for grade 10 students.
Help me write an essay on the causes of World War I for high school students.

Resource Generation

ChatGPT can generate study materials, quizzes, or activity ideas for a range of topics.


Create a quiz on the topic of the Solar System for grade 8.
Generate educational activity ideas involving mathematics for 1st graders.

Administrative Assistance

ChatGPT can generate standardized communication templates like emails, notices, parental letters or reminders.


What could be a template for an email to parents about an upcoming parent-teacher meeting?
Generate a standard reminder template for completing assignments on time.
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