Japanese Language Teaching ChatGPT Cheat Sheet


Grammar lessons

ChatGPT can be used to provide quick grammar lessons or answer grammar-related questions.


Explain the differences between the Japanese particles




How do I use

{{te form}}

in Japanese?
What is the function of the particle


in Japanese?

Culture Education

ChatGPT can provide information about Japanese culture which is a significant part of language learning.


Tell me about

{{Golden Week}}

in Japan.
What are some famous Japanese


Explain the concept of


in Japanese culture.

Reading comprehension

ChatGPT can assist in improving reading skills by explaining difficult text or answering questions about a passage.


Explain the following Japanese sentence:

{{a generic Japanese text}}


Vocabulary Learning

ChatGPT can assist in vocabulary learning by providing definitions, synonyms, and sample sentences.


What is the meaning of the Japanese word


Can you give me a sentence using the word


What are synonyms for the word


in Japanese?

Pronunciation Guide

ChatGPT can explain how to properly pronounce various Japanese words and phrases.


How do I pronounce


in Japanese?

Exam Prep

ChatGPT can assist in preparation for Japanese proficiency tests, such as JLPT.


Give me some sample questions for the JLPT

{{n5 level}}


Conversation Practice

ChatGPT can engage in conversation in Japanese to help learners practice their speaking and comprehension.


Let's have a conversation in Japanese. You start.

Writing tutoring

ChatGPT can provide assistance in writing, such as correcting errors and offering advice.


I need help writing a letter in Japanese. It's about

{{a generic topic}}


Translation tasks

ChatGPT can help translate sentences or phrases between English and Japanese.


Translate the following English sentence to Japanese:

{{A generic English text here}}

Translate the following Japanese sentence to English:

{{A generic Japanese text here}}

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