Software Developer (C++ Language) ChatGPT Cheat Sheet


Code Review Assistance

ChatGPT can provide suggestions on coding best practices, potential optimizations, and help identify possible code smells.


How can I optimize this piece of C++ code

{{code snippet}}

Can you find any potential issues or bad practices in the following C++ code?

{{code snippet}}

What's the most efficient way to write this C++ function?

{{function parameters and return type}}

Algorithm Explanation

ChatGPT can provide intuitive and understandable explanations of computer science algorithms.


Explain the quicksort algorithm.
What is the best way to understand the Dijkstra's algorithm?
Can you explain Bellman Ford's algorithm in C++?

Coding Problem Solutions

ChatGPT can provide code snippets in response to a procedural problem.


Write a C++ function to find the maximum element in an array.
How do I implement a binary search in C++?
Can you show me a code in C++ to connect to a MySql database?

Coding Interview Questions

ChatGPT can help prepare you for coding interview questions.


What are some common C++ questions asked in interviews?
How to solve this coding interview question using C++?

{{coding question}}

Can you give some C++ coding problems for practicing algorithms?

Code Explanation

ChatGPT can provide plain English explanations of complex code snippets.


Can you explain what this piece of C++ code does?

{{code snippet}}

What is the output of this C++ program?

{{complete program}}

What does this C++ function do?

{{function code}}

Debugging Help

ChatGPT can help you identify bugs or errors in your C++ code.


I'm having trouble with my C++ code, here's the error message:

{{error message}}

. What could be going wrong?
My C++ program crashes with this error message

{{error message}}

. Can you help me understand why?
Why does my C++ function produce an incorrect output for these inputs?

{{function code, inputs and expected/actual output}}

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